Hello i am new on your forum, my name is Andre.

Posez ici vos demandes de renseignements sur la Renault Twizy

Hello i am new on your forum, my name is Andre.

Messagede Userpc » Lun/21/Mai 2012 22:52

I have been reading all of the messages on the Twizy forum here.
Very interesting, i sould say.
I have placed also an order here in Belguim for a twizy technik, and have to wait yet till week 25 to get one here.
But i do have questions , about the future of the twizy ?
Like what happens if you decide to keep the car and not to use the car anymore. What happens with the battery ?
Also , if you have an accident with it and you decide not to repair it or wait a very long time to repair it ?
And finaly, if you decide afther 2 years you want to put your own battery in it just because battery prices, and performance are now better then the original battery ?
Any answers are welcome.
You are welcome to answer in french, i can read and speak it no problem, but no write it, because I am dutch speaking.
I think that these qwestions are inportant for some of us all.
Greetz. Andre
Messages: 1
Inscription: Dim/20/Mai 2012 22:56


Re: Hello i am new on your forum, my name is Andre.

Messagede mistergouast » Lun/4/Juin 2012 10:51

Userpc a écrit:I have been reading all of the messages on the Twizy forum here.
Very interesting, i sould say.
I have placed also an order here in Belguim for a twizy technik, and have to wait yet till week 25 to get one here.
But i do have questions , about the future of the twizy ?
Like what happens if you decide to keep the car and not to use the car anymore. What happens with the battery ?
Also , if you have an accident with it and you decide not to repair it or wait a very long time to repair it ?
And finaly, if you decide afther 2 years you want to put your own battery in it just because battery prices, and performance are now better then the original battery ?

Greetz. Andre

Salut André,

Bienvenue sur le forum, et félicitations pour votre commande d'un Twizy. Je pense que nous, acheteurs pionniers, ne le regretterons pas. C'est un peu comme un pari sur l'avenir, nous verrons bien...

Pour ce qui est de la location de la batterie, elle est associée à la vente de la voiture. Si vous la revendez, vous revendez l'obligation de louer une batterie avec. Je ne crois pas qu'il soit possible de "posséder" sa propre batterie. J'ai vu une vidéo d'une interview d'un ingénieur Renault sur un salon, il disait qu'avec le temps, si les batteries s'améliorent, alors le client aura le choix de souscrire un nouveau contrat de location avec la batterie plus performante, ou alors de garder sa première génération de batterie.

A bientôt,

Twizy 80 Urban couleur rouge filament, livré dans quelques jours...
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Messages: 148
Inscription: Lun/14/Mai 2012 20:06
Localisation: Camps-la-Source, VAR

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